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Philomathia establishes the Philomathia Center at UC Berkley

In keeping with it’s longstanding support of environmental research, the Philomathia foundation its pleased to announce the creation of the Philomathia Center at UC Berkeley. This center will facilitate  energy and climate research while fostering learning, innovative thinking and the dissemination of ideas. Philomathia Center programs include a fellows program to recruit talented post-doctoral reseachers to UC Berkeley, a unique seed fund that gives UC Berkeley researchers the opportunity to pursue novel environmental research as well as the Philomathia Forum, an annual event that highlights key issues related to energy and the environment. To date, the Philomathia Foundation has hosted forms on the environment in 2009, 2010 and  2011. For 2012, the form will examine the role of finance and the environment.

The Philomathia Center will bring together leaders and brilliant minds from diverse backgrounds and disciplines to investigate new technology and ways of thinking with regards to environmental problems.






Philomathia Center Website Link: http://vcresearch.berkeley.edu/philomathiacenter/about