Scholarship & Fellowship
Scholarship & Fellowship Recipients
Current and past recipients of the Philomathia Foundation’s undergraduate, graduate and post-doctoral research fellowships and scholarships at the University of California (Berkeley), the University of Cambridge (Trinity Hall), McMaster University and the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Current Distinguished Faculty
Dr. Dustin Garrick
Philomathia Prize Laureate 2019
Dr. Isabelle McNeill
Philomathia Fellow, Trinity Hall
Dr. Adam Branch
Philomathia Fellow, Trinity Hall
Director, Philomathia Africa Programme
Dr. Jay Keasling
Philomathia Chair in Alternative Energy
Professor Tim Harper
Director, Philomathia Social Science Research Programme
Past Distinguished Faculty
Dr. Paul Alivisatos
Former Director, Kavli Energy NanoScience Institute
Professor Martin Daunton
Director, Phase I, Philomathia Social Science Research Programme
Dr. Simon Haines
Former Director, Research Centre for Human Values
Dr. Chris Somerville
Philomathia Chair Emeritus in Alternative Energy
Dr. Steven Chu
Philomathia Chair Emeritus in Alternative Energy
Dr. Alastair Fraser
Former Philomathia Teaching Fellowship
Dr. Eric Betzig
Co-Founder of the Advanced BioImaging Center (ABC).
Research Fellowships
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Post-Doctoral Fellowships
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Graduate Fellowships
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