by PMadmin | Jun 27, 2017 | Foundation News, UC Berkeley
As one academic year is slowing down the next is gearing up. The Philomathia Center at UC Berkeley has just named the six graduate student new recipients for the 2017-2018 academic year fellowships! The Philomathia Graduate Fellowship in the Environmental Sciences...
by PMadmin | Jun 1, 2017 | Research Articles, UC Berkeley
Background I am currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Energy and Resources Group, an interdisciplinary graduate program at University of California at Berkeley. Before graduate school, I worked at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) leading a project to understand climate...
by PMadmin | May 3, 2017 | Research Articles, UC Berkeley
Growing up in a small farming community in California, I’ve always been aware of the complicated issues surrounding water in this state. During long dry stretches in the summer, it’s hard to find enough water for wildlife, farmers, and communities to all get what they...
by PMadmin | Sep 2, 2016 | Foundation News, UC Berkeley
The Philomathia Center at UC Berkeley has awarded graudate student fellowships to six new recipients for the 2016-2017 academic calendar. The Graduate Fellowships are awarded to students based on their prior level of academic distinction and the promise that they have...