Leah’s research interests include synthetic biology and protein engineering. She is researching how we can engineer polyketide synthases for the efficient production of novel products.
Zilong’s background is on the structural & functional study of polyketide synthase (PKS) and its engineering. Zilong’s focus is on the biosynthesis with chimeric PKS to produce valuable compounds. They use synthetic biology to effectively create novel...
Seokjung is a postdoctoral research with metabolic engineering background, and her current research goal in Keasling Lab is to produce commodity chemicals through engineered polyketide synthases (PKSs) in microbes like E. coli and Streptomyces. She is also interested...
PhD candidate in Environmental Engineering at UC Berkeley. At Berkeley, she works with Sally Thompson studying ecohydrology. Prior to coming to Berkeley, Jeannie did her undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of Arizona as a Flinn Scholar....
Kirsten is a sixth-year PhD Candidate in the Whiteman Lab at the University of California, Berkeley. for her thesis she is investigating the horizontal gene transfer of cytolethal distending toxin B, which encodes a DNase, in insects (Diptera: Drosophila and aphids)....