
Leah Keiser

Leah Keiser

Leah’s research interests include synthetic biology and protein engineering. She is researching how we can engineer polyketide synthases for the efficient production of novel products.
Zilong Wang

Zilong Wang

Zilong’s background is on the structural & functional study of polyketide synthase (PKS) and its engineering. Zilong’s focus is on the biosynthesis with chimeric PKS to produce valuable compounds. They use synthetic biology to effectively create novel...
Seokjung Cheong

Seokjung Cheong

Seokjung is a postdoctoral research with metabolic engineering background, and her current research goal in Keasling Lab is to produce commodity chemicals through engineered polyketide synthases (PKSs) in microbes like E. coli and Streptomyces. She is also interested...
Yuszhong Liu

Yuszhong Liu

Covalent organic frameworks are a new class of crystalline materials that are made by linking organic building units through strong covalent bonds. Owing to the ability to precisely control the geometry and functionality of extended structures, Yuzhong designed and...
Dr. Sheng Shen

Dr. Sheng Shen

Dr. Sheng Shen was a postdoctoral fellow in mechanical engineering with professor Xiang Zhang. Dr Shen received his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering at MIT in 2010. In 2011 Dr. Sheng accepted a faculty position at Carnegie Mellon University. At UC Berkeley, Dr. Shen...