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UC Berkeley Announces New Philomathia Recipients for the Graduate Student Fellowship

As one academic year is slowing down the next is gearing up. The Philomathia Center at UC Berkeley has just named the six graduate student new recipients for the 2017-2018 academic year fellowships! The Philomathia Graduate Fellowship in the Environmental Sciences provides fellowships for graduate students studying issues related to the environment and are awarded based on a high level of academic distinction and exceptional promise.

berkeley research

All six of the recipients are Ph.D. candidates and the topics of their studies range across a wide variety of important environmental issues that play a vital role in furthering our understanding and the impact we have on our natural environment.

The candidates are as follows:

  • Colin Carlson, Environmental Sciences, Policy, and Management: Work focuses on the relationship between climate change and two irreversible processes of global change: biodiversity loss and infectious disease emergency.


  • Kripa Jagannathan, Energy and Resources Group: Work focuses on climate change adaptation, specifically on creating knowledge that enables climate-resilient planning for the future.


  • Erin Jarvis, Integrative Biology: Work looks to understand and study a particular function of genes to address how changes in the patterning of these genes may have provided a mechanism of diversification over evolutionary time.


  • Yuzhong Lio, Chemistry: Work is focusing on a new class of crystalline materials that are made by linking organic building units through strong covalent bonds.


  • Tim O’Connor, Integrative Biology: Work looks to further understand how plant-insect interactions can generate new species and if speciation in plants leads to co-speciation in plant-feeding insects.


  • Grace C. Wu, Energy and Resources Group: Work looks at energy development and the impact that different land systems have on the transition from conventional to renewable technologies throughout the world.

More information on the incoming fellowship recipients can be found on the UC Berkeley website.

The Philomathia Center at UC Berkeley was established in 2012. The fellowship program aims to bring top researchers to the school to help support and foster research that provides new breakthroughs on the environmental science issues that have a major impact on our understanding of the world.